Exactly one week from today is Thanksgiving Day! Wow, it’s almost here!
A popular thing to do this time of year – especially around the Thanksgiving table – is asking what you are thankful for. This happens a ton in elementary schools. I remember being a kid and feeling tired of always having to tell people what I was thankful for every November. All November long! While this practice may become a bit routine and automatic every November (at least to a 10 year-old), practicing gratitude is an extremely important part of life…and it helps improve our mental health.
Basically, the way this works is that if you practice thinking about what you are truly appreciative of in your life, your mental health gets better! There are lots of studies out there that show how important it is to practice thankfulness. In fact, research indicates that brain function improves when we are grateful.
If you feel you have very little going well in your life, start with some of the most simple things that you’re grateful for. As an example, you have a place to live, you have food to eat today, you get to wear your favorite blue shirt. If you have lots going well for you, that’s awesome! But it’s still super important to focus on what you appreciate in life. If you don’t practice gratitude, you may become fairly entitled and not so great for others to be around. Then THAT has a negative impact on other areas of your life.
There’s less room for depression when our mindset shifts to things that we appreciate in life. Now, of course, grateful people can still experience depression. However, it’s just a good practice and is more likely to lead to improved mental health. I’ve recently been asking clients randomly, as part of their sessions, to spend one minute with me talking about 3 things they are grateful for this week. I love hearing the answers from clients, and I can see that it is beneficial for them as well.
So, this week, even if your 10 year-old self is rolling his eyes at you, spend some time thinking about what you’re appreciative of in your life. Say thanks to God for all He has done for you too – that’s always a good idea. 😊